
A javascript library to generate (per-) versions of the Luxeria logo as a scalable vector graphics. The library (luxlogo.js) generates SVG/XML code, which can be used in HTML files. The XML output can be serialized and exported to a file to get a printable/cuttable .svg-file.

The library is written in pure javascript and does not require any external libraries other than libraries available in modern browsers. The idea originated from the challenge to implement the Luxeria logo in OpenSCAD.


A demo site utilizing all parameters of the library can be found here.

Usage in your project

Include the luxlogo.js file in your HTML page:

<script src=""></script>

Then instantiate the LuxLogo class with the id of the container and manipulate the variables. Finally call the generate() method which fills the SVG/XML code into the container.

const logo = new LuxLogo("logo-container");
logo.rotation = 20;
logo.color1 = "#ff0000";
logo.numArrows = 3;

<div id="logo-container"><!-- SVG goes here --></div>

Variables / Parameters

All rel-variables are relative to the size-variable.

Variable Description Default
size Size of the logo in pixels 512
color1 Primary color of the logo “#000000”
color2 Primary color of the logo “#ffffff”
rotation Rotation angle in degrees 0
numArrows Number of arrows in the logo 3
relBorderThickness ‰ Relative border thickness 0
relSpacing ‰ Relative spacing between arrows 4
relInnerCircleDiameter % Relative diameter of the inner circle 24
relArcDiameter % Relative diameter of the arcs 84
relArcThickness % Relative thickness of the arcs 12
relArrowTipWidth % Relative width of the arrow tip 24
relArrowTipStart % Relative start of the arrow tip from center 20
relArrowTipEnd % Relative end of the arrow tip from center 50
relArrowNotchOffset ‰ Relative offset of the arrow notch 2.4
relArrowBaseWidth % Relative width of the arrow base 12
